Sandy’s Endorsement
By Lana Payne Campaign

As a long-time Unifor activist and telecommunications worker, I whole-heartedly put my support behind Lana Payne as National President and the Forward Together team. Here’s why.
Lana was our first Atlantic Regional Director, representing Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince-Edward-Island, Nova Scotia and my home province of New Brunswick. I cannot speak highly enough of her work in that role. She was responsive, competent, and dedicated. There is no stronger advocate for workers in our union. She put Atlantic workers on the map.
I come from a sector where we deal with one of the country’s largest employers: Bell. Telecommunications employers are notorious for dividing workers and creating conditions by which solidarity is difficult to achieve.
Under Lana’s vision and leadership, I know we can organize ourselves so that we can fight for our members better than we ever have. I know for certain that Lana is the leader with whom we can achieve gains, take on the greatest challenges and show employers that we’re in the fight for long term good jobs and economic justice for all.
In addition to her own accomplishments, Lana has assembled an outstanding and inspiring team to help her lead this union into the future. I will be supporting Jennifer Murray for Atlantic Regional Director and the entire Forward Together at the upcoming convention. Solidarity!
Sandy Brideau, President, Unifor local 506