Linda’s Endorsement
By Lana Payne Campaign
Local 88 represents the workers at the GM Cami auto plant as well as Auto Warehousing Canada. Our local’s Executive Board and Membership have proudly endorsed Lana Payne for President of Unifor.
I want to personally add my voice to theirs and to the many other endorsements she has received across the country.
Like Lana, who is the first woman Secretary-Treasurer in our union, I too, am the first woman Financial Secretary at Local 88. As a progressive local, we were the first auto local in Canada to elect a woman President, Sister Cathy Austin.
When I see these women forging a path for others to follow, it fills me with pride. When women attain these positions, it provides a positive example and paves the way for other women and under-represented workers, who may not otherwise put themselves forward for leadership positions.
There is not a doubt in my mind that Lana Payne is the leader Unifor needs if we are to move #ForwardTogether #LP4NP.
In Sisterhood and Solidarity,
Linda Leyten, Financial Secretary, Unifor Local 88