Cathy's Message
By Lana Payne Campaign
As past president of Unifor Local 88, I first came to know Lana as a fierce feminist and trade unionist - that is to say, another like-minded sister in the struggle.

From the first moment we met at a women’s conference all those years ago, I knew I was in the presence of someone who was and always will be uniquely inspirational.
Over the years, as I grew to know and work with Lana more and more, I recognized in her the most amazing leadership skills. They were skills I tried to emulate myself: always an insightful listener, a sister who listens with great care and applies her knowledge, experience and great sense of empathy to each and every conversation; someone who leads with integrity as informed by a strong moral compass; a keen strategist; and like me, someone deeply committed to grassroots organizing, and not only building but supporting a strong activist base.
I’m honoured to add my voice to the groundswell of support for sister Lana Payne. Solidarity and sisterhood. #ForwardTogether with #LP4NP.
Cathy Austin, first and only woman president of a CAW/Unifor local union in the automotive sector